We are a Domain name registration provider since 1996.
Want a free domain name ? Well we are not registering domain names for free but at dirt cheap rates.
Use our "Buy Domain Name" service to quickly register one now, or choose "Domain Name Hosting" if you've already got one.

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Basic - 2.49$/mo
Advanced -5.99$/mo
Professional - 19.99$/mo
Dedicated Servers -199$/mo


Domain Name Registration, Domain Name Renewal, Domain Redirection or Forwarding, you will find every service applicable to Domain Names available here. We have served thousands of customers from all over the world for over 7 years now, and our quality of service and dedication keep our clients loyal to us.

Providing Domain Name registrations for just 7.77$ we offer you an unrivalled Internet combo-Package. One Domain Registration with 10 MB Hosting at 29.99$ a year. That's dirt cheap pricing less than 2.5$ a month.

The Domain Name Goldrush is over and no longer are people cybersquatting or investing crazily in domain names, however, the steady flow of domain registrations still continues due to the introduction of various new TLD's like .cc .info .biz .tv .ws wtc...
This is also the age of the more serious Internet entrepreneur and business house that is not interested in making quick millions online within weeks, but has ventured to create a brand name with long-term intentions and extend it's services over the Internet.

We are the cheapest domain name registration provider in the world. You are fortunate to have found us, if you have not visited us before. Please feel free to avail of any of our services and use our extensive Knowledge Bank. Should you have any queries remaining you may contact us using the Feedback form.

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